3-D Nutcracker


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    Student work examples.  Nutcrackers made by students ages 5, 9 and 12 from left to right.  3 colorful 3-D nutcrackers side by side, each with feather coming from hat.

    student work (L-R)  age 5, age 9, age 12  

    "There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen."


    I call it "the still small voice" aka my intuition, and I have come to rely upon it about 80% of the time. Which is pretty good if you ask me, but every now and then I get distracted by an outside voice. Sometimes it's a person who I hold in high regard--parents, people I admire, teachers, doctors... Oprah, and sometimes it is fear. Fear is a tricky thing because we need it. It keeps us out of harm's way and it keeps us alive but sometimes it grows so big that it stifles the still small voice and that is flat out paralyzing. More on that later. Two days ago I was sitting in a doctors office and I ignored the still small voice that said "don't get a flu shot.. remember what happened the last time you got a flu shot? You got sick. You are the 1% that gets the side effect that no one ever gets. Don't do it". You see, I was meeting with a really savvy female MD who had many "Doctor of the Year" awards hanging on her walls, so my logical brain was like, "This woman clearly knows what she is talking about. What do you know?" and before I could give the feeling in my gut another thought, she was paging the nurse to come and give me the shot.  So last night it hit me--the woozy, achy, I need to go curl up in a little ball in a dark room feeling and it is still here today. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise.....the universe's way of telling me to slooooow down and keep it simple. Today's project is one that I did around holiday time last year. So I have typed up a tutorial so that you can do it too. I am pretty sure you have all the supplies you will need for this one. 



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    1. Get a piece of thick white paper. I love this one:

    2. Fold your paper in 4.  

    3. Draw your nutcracker on the second section.

    4. Divide that section into 3 spaces - hat, head, chest.

    5. Draw your nutcracker in pencil, then outline in black pen.

    6. How do you want to color your nutcracker? Paint, chalk markers, oil pastels, colored pencils, sharpies? 

    7. Add your embellishments - I added a feather, a rhinestone, and 3 jingles bells.

    Now that you have made a Nutcracker, maybe you want to make a Mouse King and a Clara to go with it?




    ART CAMP Pro

    Are you a private studio owner, art educator, or kids art business?

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