“When will you bring ART CAMP to _______ (fill in the place)?” This is what we heard for YEARS and every time we read the ask our hearts skipped a beat and we put the idea in our back pocket for “someday soon”. We knew that we had to figure out a way to take our program online but getting it “right” was really important to us. How could we replicate the magic of an in-person sessions virtually? We tried a few different formats and then we listened to your feedback and went back and tweaked and streamlined. The result is an online experience that we are incredibly proud of but most importantly one that our students and campers truly love.
ART CAMP sessions are pre-recorded to fit time zones, vacation plans, and individual family schedules. We also wanted to encourage every artist to work at their own pace: pause, rewind, FF are very helpful tools.
ART CAMP sessions are designed for school-age kids but we have had lots of younger siblings work through the camp projects with grown-up assistance and the feedback has been really great. Each themed camp session includes 5-7 projects and siblings are free. You can find more FAQs and reviews when you click on the session listings. Do you still have questions? We are here to help! Contact us at hello@artcampla.com