welcome to the jungle camp

welcome to the jungle camp


Welcome to the Jungle!

Pack your scissors, your paint brush and your bug spray and prepare to take a journey deep into a tropical rainforest filled with exotic animals and plants.

featured projects: lion mask, 3-d jungle bugs, jungle diorama featuring a very sleepy sloth, scrape painting macaw, printed jungle snakes

After you register you will receive a welcome bundle that includes:

  • A session supply list - we encourage you to cross reference this list and only buy what you don’t already have.

  • log-in info for your private camp page

  • Project examples, references, templates, collage sheets, creative writing prompts, and other fun stuff (the bundles for each session are specific to to each individual camp theme and contain different materials)

You can shop the WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE supply list here.

** Please note that this camp session is for personal/individual/non-commercial use

If you are interested in incorporating ART CAMP curriculum into your fee-based classes, art program or business please visit the Pro Page and join the ART CAMP Pro Community.

Take me to ART CAMP Pro sign up

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Ages 5 and up +


$175 per session (siblings are free!)


Camp sessions are recorded and archived so that you have the ability to pause, rewind, and fast forward. We also want to encourage you to work through each session and each individual project in a way that makes sense for your family.

Please find additional info about camp session themes and materials below.


We designed all of our camp projects to work with art materials you most likely already have at home. If you head to our Amazon Storefront you will find supply lists for each individual session, as well as a “master” supply list which includes the materials for all 9 sessions. These lists are meant to be used as a cross-reference guide to save time and money by purchasing only what you need or want. If you already have materials at home which are similar to what you see on one of our lists, stick with it! Substitutions are welcomed and encouraged!

As you know, we are BIG on incorporating recyclable materials into our projects (think: egg cartons, TP tubes, cardboard) so you will want to start saving those treasures now if you don’t already have a growing collection. All digital materials (printables and templates) are included with camp registration. You will receive a link and password to your private page in your welcome bundle.


are you shipping materials?

We gave this a lot of thought and ultimately decided to not box and ship camp supplies- in an effort to keep your cost down and minimize waste. We have a feeling that most of the materials you will find on your camp supply list are things you already have at home. Some of the projects we will be exploring might include an optional template or printable. These digital materials are included with camp registration.  View and shop camp supply lists here.

are the camps live or recorded?

We recorded our live camp sessions so that we could meet the needs of our community. The feedback we got after doing live stream sessions is that families wanted the ability to pause, rewind, fast forward and work through the camp projects at their own pace on their own schedule, in their time zone (something that is not possible with live stream).  The quality of each camp video is exactly what you would receive in a live session. If the thought of a recorded class gives you pause, we encourage you to give the format a shot. The response so far has been only extremely positive. We put our heart and soul into each session.

is the $175 weekly rate just for one camper?

$175 is the per family price. The “per family” rate is for people who live in your home it does not extend to neighbors, extended family or friends outside of your home.

happy campers:
